Victim blaming

Age doesn't matter you say. But suddenly all these under-aged girls who claim to be sexually harassed is pulling the juvenile card just to make things seem serious. These girls who, and I'm not even sorry, dress suggestively and want to look older by patching their face with layers of foundation have the balls to call rape when they've been woke af since age 10.

They entertain messages, reply to shmex talks, been vocal to their tweeps about being disgusted about how this guy talks *shares screencaps*, but still won't stop replying, accommodating, provoking. Enjoying the attention, blushing at the flatteries and innocent emojis. Point to the right, okay.

Were you really scared? Have you not some dignity that you would feed your ego with perverted compliments? You publicly scorn them, share your conversions sans any censorship, highlighting their predatory messages whilst hiding your equally provocative replies, gathering an army of fake wokes who writes impressive english but have zero fact-finding skills. I hope you're less scared knowing how empowering your online folks are. You go gurl. Go bare your knickers some more. It's your body.

The cons of too much liberty has corrupted the world to an abominable level. This society has gone too kind that it tolerates everything. All is good in the world we live. Nothing's wrong anymore.

Shhhh. It's okay. It's not your fault.


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